
Options for a UK low carbon hydrogen standard


Matthias Altmann, Patrick Schmidt


UK’s Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS)

Publication date

August 2021

In a collaboration of LBST with E4Tech, options for a UK standard that defines low carbon hydrogen have been described and compared. This project was commissioned by the UK Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

This project identifies and compares options for a UK standard that defines low carbon hydrogen, allowing BEIS to incentivise and support low carbon hydrogen production for supply across the energy system.

To do so, the project focuses on four areas:

  • Challenges to be addressed through the development of a low carbon hydrogen standard in the UK have been identified through interviews and research. Additionally, case studies of relevant schemes were performed to as a basis to discuss and agree on a set of criteria to be used in assessing different options for a standard.
  • Life cycle analyzes were carried out for representative hydrogen generation and distribution paths in Great Britain, including sensitivity analyzes.
  • The options for a standard were defined and evaluated on the basis of the criteria created. Recommendations for a British standard have been drawn up.
  • General aspects for the development and administration of the standard were drawn up.

For further information, please see the official website of the British government.