Resource availability and circular economy

The use of our Earth’s available resources, such as renewable and fossil energy sources, water and other materials, is subject to natural limits. The finiteness and scarcity of these resources therefore require careful planning and handling.

With our comprehensive and detailed analyses, we help you to better assess the available potential of natural resources and to make the right decisions for the future.



Contact person

Martin Zerta

Martin Zerta

  • Senior Project Manager / Consultant

Selected references


November 2019

Battery recycling as an employment perspective for Lausitz

In the present study, the authors investigate the question of whether the Lausitz region can use the market ramp-up of electromobility with the establishment of a recycling plant for traction batteries as a building block for the creation of an “energy region of the future”.


September 2019

Biomethane and hydrogen in trans-European energy infrastructures

The study develops an overview of the potential role of biomethane and hydrogen in the EU energy system. The study includes an assessment of the production and import potential.


December 2022

Material intensity of hydrogen technologies

The study provides a cross-sectoral perspective on the resource intensity of key hydrogen technologies to cope with the expected significant increase in hydrogen production in the coming decades.