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July 11, 2024
LBST mourns the loss of Managing Director Dr Uwe Albrecht

It was with great shock and sadness that the shareholders, management and employees of LBST received the news of the death of their Managing Director, Dr. Uwe Albrecht. Dr. Uwe Albrecht passed away unexpectedly on Tuesday 9 July 2024 after a short but serious illness.

Dr. Uwe Albrecht (61) had been managing director and co-partner of LBST GmbH since 1 November 2008. He had shared the role of Managing Director with Sofia Capito since March 2021.

Sofia Capito, Managing Director of LBST: “The death of Dr. Uwe Albrecht is a great loss for our company, both personally and professionally. I have known Uwe for 13 years and we have always worked together in different roles in a spirit of trust and enthusiasm. Uwe has played a key role in shaping LBST and has been instrumental in making our company more commercially successful than ever before. His expertise, positive charisma and pragmatic approach were very special. Uwe loved and lived LBST – and the whole team is very grateful to him. We will always remember him as a valuable person and a highly respected colleague. His work has left a deep mark – in our company, but most of all in our hearts. Almost a year ago, Uwe, while in good health, reduced his working hours and handed over many responsibilities to me and our team to spend more time with his family and friends. I am very glad that he was able to spend a few more carefree holidays with them. Our thoughts are now with his family and loved ones.”

Reiner Block, Chairman of the shareholders of LBST: “We were very saddened by the news of the sudden death of Dr. Uwe Albrecht. Just a few days ago, together with Sofia Capito, he gave a convincing and confident presentation to the shareholders on LBST’s successful financial development and discussed future opportunities. Dr. Uwe Albrecht’s positive, inspiring charisma and his high level of commitment were exemplary for all colleagues, as was his undisputed professional expertise in the specialist world of hydrogen applications. He always had the long-term future of LBST and the positive visions of a world of renewable energies in mind. As Managing Director for many years, he made a significant contribution to putting the company on a sound financial footing and further strengthening its performance. We mourn the loss of a great managing director, colleague and person. Our sincere condolences go to his family and his example will remain our guiding principle.”

Uwe Albrecht was born on 9 May 1963. He studied physics at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz and at the University of Washington, Seattle (USA) and received his doctorate from the University of Constance in 1993. He worked for many years in innovation management and technology consulting at Siemens and Mannesmann. From 1998 to 2008, Dr. Uwe Albrecht worked for Siemens AG, where he was Managing Partner at Siemens Venture Capital, supporting Siemens’ growth strategy by investing in international technology companies in the industrial and energy sectors. Since 2008, he has been Managing Director of LBST, where he has been instrumental in the company’s successful global business development.

Dr. Albrecht is survived by his wife and two adult children.


Foto: Beatrice Vohler www.vohler.com

March 19, 2024
Dive into the latest report update: E-Fuels: “A techno-economic assessment of European domestic production and imports towards 2050 – Update”

Commissioned by Concawe and Aramco, this comprehensive study dives deep into the techno-economic and environmental aspects of a broad range of e-fuels pathways, including e-hydrogen, e-methanol, e-kerosene, and more, across Europe and the MENA regions.

Gain insights into:

  •  NEW: Impact of the intermittency and seasonality of renewable energy on production costs, plant sizing and storage requirements
  • Stand-alone versus e-fuel plants integrated with oil refineries
  • Cost comparisons of e-fuels with fossil fuels, incumbent and advanced alternative fuels
  • Glimpse into the future of e-fuels in Europe (potential demand, renewable electricity potential, land and feedstock requirements)
  • Safety and environmental considerations, barriers to deployment, and regulation
February 6, 2024
LBST expert Patrick Schmidt holds guest lecture on SAFs at University of Surrey (UK)

LBST expert Patrick Schmidt gave a guest lecture at the University of Surrey (UK) on February 6, 2024. The focus of the lecture was on so-called Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAFs).

The presentation is available for download below.

February 1, 2024
Europe is increasingly adapting its growing hydrogen refuelling
infrastructure to include heavy-duty vehicle refuelling
Munich. In 2023, 37 new hydrogen stations opened in Europe, 12 in Japan, 29 in South Korea and 7 in North America. 92 percent of the new European hydrogen refuelling stations can refuel heavy-duty vehicles. This is the result of the 16th annual assessment of H2stations.org, an information service of Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik (LBST). Meanwhile 40 countries have a hydrogen refuelling infrastructure in operation or under construction.
December 5, 2023
Techno-Economics of PtL and PtH2
Commissioned by Deutsche Aircraft LBST has compiled a comprehensive study comparing the economic and environmental performance of Liquefied Hydrogen (LH2) and Power-to-Liquids (PtL) in aviation. The study is focused on domestic production of electricity-based Sustainable Aviation Fuels (e-SAF) in North America and Europe, while also taking North Africa and the Middle East into account as export regions.
November 14, 2023
Presentation on the techno-economic assessment of e-fuel production

On November 14, 2023, Patrick Schmidt (LBST) and Victor Gordillo (aramco) presented their latest findings on the technical-economic assessment of e-fuel production at the “#P2X CONCFERENCE” at VDMA, with a special focus on the effects of the interruption of renewable energy sources.

The event took place in the afternoon of November 14th in Frankfurt am Main.

You can dowload the study “E-Fuels: A techno-economic assessment of European domestic production and imports until 2050” conducted collaboratively by LBST and E4tech together with aramco and Concawe in 2022 here:

June 5, 2023
Presentation of PRHYDE results at World Hydrogen Mobility 2023

How will rapid hydrogen fuelling of heavy-duty vehicles work in the future?

This question was in the centre of PRHYDE, a European project funded by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership (CHJU). In the project consortium coordinated by LBST, 11 international partners and 14 further stakeholders worked intensively over 3 years on the development of new refueling protocol concepts for compressed (gaseous) hydrogen fuelling in heavy-duty transport.

Core results of the project were presented by Christopher Kutz at World Hydrogen Mobility 2023 in Stuttgart and are available at the following link.

May 5, 2023
For our 40th company anniversary, we have given ourselves something special - a new LBST logo!

Inspired by our logo history, we have developed a modern design that reflects our values and identity as a company. Our logo has gone through several changes over the past decades, but our commitment to transparency and excellence in our analyses has always remained the same. The new logo represents the same LBST with the same values and the same high quality standards as before. We are proud to celebrate our 40th anniversary with this new look and look forward to continuing serving our international clients from industry, the public sector, and the finance sector.

February 2, 2023
Another record addition of European hydrogen refuelling stations
in 2022

Munich. In 2022, 130 hydrogen refuelling stations went into operation worldwide, 73 of them in Asia and 11 in North America. 45 new hydrogen stations opened in Europe, again more than ever before. Like in the previous year, South Korea was the country adding the largest number of new stations. This is the result of the 15th annual assessment of H2stations.org, an information service of Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik (LBST). Meanwhile hydrogen refuelling is available in 37 countries.

December 23, 2022
New Study by Hydrogen Council and World Bank on critical materials for clean hydrogen - with support by LBST

LBST experts supported Hydrogen Council in their contribution to the World Bank report: “Sufficiency, Sustainability, and Circularity of Critical Materials for Clean Hydrogen”.

The study provides a cross-sectoral perspective on the resource intensity of key hydrogen technologies to cope with the expected significant increase in hydrogen production in the coming decades.

For further information, please also check Hydrogen Council’s press release: here.

H2Infrastructure Presentation
November 2022
Presentation on the study ``H2 infrastructure for commercial vehicles in long-distance transport``

Selected contents of the study “H2 infrastructure for commercial vehicles in long-distance transport” were presented by Dipl.-Ing. Jan Zerhusen on 17 November 2022 as part of the conference “Strategy Dialogue Automotive Industry Baden-Württemberg” in Brussels.

The topic of the presentation is the relevance of long-distance transport in terms of greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector and the expected rapid ramp-up of the H2 fuel demand by 2030. The H2 fuel options discussed for this case of application (70 MPa, sLH2, CcH2) are briefly presented. The main focus, however, is on the challenges that have to be mastered in setting up the refuelling infrastructure as well as on selected recommendations for action for politics and industry.

Further aspects on the topic as well as additional recommendations will be available in the overall study, which will be jointly prepared by LBST and DLR for the Landesagentur e-mobil BW by the end of 2022. The publication of the study is planned for February 2023.

September 8, 2022
Study: E-Kerosene for Commercial Aviation

The Paris climate goals require commercial aviation to deal with the question, how its fossil energy base can be converted to renewable energies in a sustainable manner. Kerosene from the synthesis of hydrogen and CO2 from renewable sources (e-kerosene) plays a central role here. The ClimateWorks Foundation has commissioned a group of experts to shed light on this issue. The study was prepared by the German Energy Agency (dena), the Finnish LUT University and the technology and strategy consultancy Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH (LBST). Results include an assessment of the volumes, costs, area demand, and competition for renewable electricity of e-kerosene produced with CO2 from Direct Air Capture (DAC) in the US and Europe 2030 to 2050 in a net-zero scenario in 2050.

Cover PtL Aviation UBA
July 4, 2022
Updated version of LBST’s power-to-liquids study for German UBA

PtL fuels are widely acknowledged as an important option to make aviation CO2 neutral, and the industrial production of PtL fuels has come within reach. The updated version of the background paper for the UBA from 2016 gives a review of the basic principles of PtL production routes and draws a comparison between competing fuel options based on sustainability criteria.

February 10, 2022
Requirements for production and export of sustainable hydrogen: LBST conducts international study for GIZ

Together with ILF Chile, Ludwig-Bölkow Systemtechnik GmbH has conducted a study on the requirements for the production and export of green and sustainable hydrogen on behalf of the German-Chilean Energy Partnership under the direction of the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). This study was supplemented by a survey with potential off-takers of green hydrogen and derivatives in Germany.

February 01, 2022
Another record number of newly opened hydrogen refuelling stations in 2021

Munich. In 2021, 142 hydrogen refuelling stations went into operation worldwide, again more than ever before. 37 new hydrogen stations were opened in Europe, 89 in Asia, and 13 in North America. This is the result of the 14th annual assessment of H2stations.org, an information service of Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik (LBST). Meanwhile hydrogen refuelling is possible in 33 countries.

September 8, 2022
LBST supporting EU Commission with the amendment of RED II

Together with its partners, Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH has developed a technical analysis for the European Commission, which serves as the basis for the development and implementation of the amendment to the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II).


Check out our publications

International Hydrogen Strategies

A comparison of several national hydrogen strategies shows that hydrogen is  generally seen as a key element in a decarbonized energy system.

Hydrogen Decarbonization Pathways

Analysis of different hydrogen production pathways based on their greenhous gas emissions as well as their potential scalabilities and impacts.

Hydrogen in National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs)

The analysis shows the substantial potential of a broad application of hydrogen technologies in the European Member States in the next decade.


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