Together with ILF Chile, Ludwig-Bölkow Systemtechnik GmbH has conducted a study on the requirements for the production and export of green and sustainable hydrogen on behalf of the German-Chilean Energy Partnership under the direction of the Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). This study was supplemented by a survey with potential off-takers of green hydrogen and derivatives in Germany.
The study assesses a broad set of sustainability criteria for the production and import of green hydrogen and its derivatives (synfuels, methanol, ammonia, etc.) into Europe. Certification schemes are identified covering the production and import of green hydrogen and its derivatives from green hydrogen exporting countries.
The study analyses certification schemes which are not specifically dedicated to hydrogen, but could help to define sustainability criteria to be considered in the value chain for the production and export of green hydrogen, covering social, economic, and environmental elements. These identified certification schemes were then analysed and converted into a matrix, displaying the sustainability criteria coverage of the different schemes. Furthermore, the relevance of the criteria for each element of the hydrogen or derivatives supply chain was assessed.
This is an important step, as for the time being, dedicated hydrogen certification schemes so far only cover a very limited set of criteria, while other certification schemes cover wider sets of criteria, but are not related to hydrogen.
Based on the analysis of the sustainability criteria and certification levels identified for hydrogen and its derivatives, a survey was conducted among potential German off-takers in order to gain insights into concrete requirements and demands of potential and future off-takers of green hydrogen and derivatives with regards to sustainability.