
The potential of electricity-based fuels for a low-emission transport sector in the EU
The study by Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik (LBST) together with the German Energy Agency GmbH (dena) examines the future energy demand of the European transport sector as well as the necessary demand for the expansion of renewable energy generation capacity, and the associated investments required to achieve the climate protection targets of 95 percent by 2050 in transport.
In order to answer these questions, the study considers different scenarios for the development of the shares of propulsion types and fuels of all modes of transport in the EU in passenger and freight transportation. Based on these scenarios, the resulting energy requirements of the transport sector in the period up to 2050 are modelled on the basis of assumptions on the transport development of all modes of transport. Necessary investments for the provision of the energy sources are derived. The premiss in each case is compliance with the European climate protection goals. The study was commissioned by the German Association of the Automotive Industry (Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V.).