
Preparation of a Grant Application for the H2 region HyBayern as part of the HyLand funding programme


Martin Zerta


Energieagentur Ebersberg München


Aug 2019 - 
Dec 2020

Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik participated in the preparation and creation of the HyPerformer grant application for the H2 region HyBayern in the context of the BMVI-HyLand funding program. The application was drawn up according to the specifications and criteria of the “HyLand” tender documents.

The project included the presentation and development of concrete project ideas for hydrogen generation in particular, use and distribution or storage in the districts of Munich, Ebersberg and Landshut, with regard to technical feasibility, economic feasibility and timeliness (2021-2025). Expressions of Interest and Letters of Support (LOIs) were obtained for the involvement and support of the respective actors (companies and municipalities).