Life cycle analyzes (LCA) for hydrogen production and applications
Given the significant increase in hydrogen expected in the coming years, our study for the Hydrogen Council aims to provide a cross-industry perspective of the greenhouse gas emissions footprint and other relevant environmental impacts of hydrogen production and applications, as compared to alternatives and potential for reduction.
The study was led by LBST and carried out in collaboration with McKinsey. LBST was responsible for the scientific guidance in the project. In terms of content, LBST contributed to the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of dozens of components spanning the many potential hydrogen value chains, including all types of primary energy, hydrogen production, conditioning, transportation and use in energy, transportation and industry. LBST calculated GHG footprints per unit, which were entered into a practical tool made available to the Hydrogen Council to simplify the calculation of H2 value chains. In addition, other environmental issues such as water demand and potential safety / toxicity issues were discussed by LBST.
For more details see project website of the Hydrogen Councils: