
Analysis and evaluation of the potential of green gases in the Innovation Region of Central Germany
Innovationsregion MitteldeutschlandDuration
Together with its partners from Schultz Projekt Consult, the Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW and HYPOS e.V., LBST is developing a potential study for the Innovation Region of Central Germany.
In four steps, the possibilities of using green gases in the region of Central Germany will be investigated.
In a first step, LBST works on the technical and economic foundations of the relevant processes along the value chain from production to the use of green gases. Further work within the project includes a regional stakeholder analysis, the discussion of concrete measures for implementation and the development of recommendations for action for politics, industry, science and society.
Further information can also be found on the website of the Innovation Region Central Germany: Innovationsregion Mitteldeutschland.