
Protocol for heavy-duty hydrogen refuelling
FCH JUDuration
In its role as project coordinator, LBST led an industrial consortium made up of various companies, including Air Liquide, CEA, ENGIE, ITM Power, NEL Hydrogen, Nikola, Shell Germany, Toyota Motor Europe and ZBT. The project started in 2020 and was finalized in 2023.
The PRHYDE project is a European funding project under the “Horizon 2020” program of the FCH2 JU. It aims at the current and future developments that are required for the refueling of medium and heavy-duty vehicles with fuel cells. The focus is on road vehicles, but other applications such as trains and ships will also be considered during the course of the project.
Motivation is the analysis of the prerequisites and the provision of data for future refuelling protocols for fuel cell vehicles with 35, 50 and 70 MPa. These should help to facilitate future standardization of refuelling protocols for medium and heavy-duty vehicles.
Further information can be found on the project website: