Safety of battery electric and fuel cell electric vehicles
The aim of the “Sino-German Electro-Mobility Innovation and Support Center (SGEC)” is to initiate and support cooperation projects between German and Chinese consortia to ramp-up electromobility. LBST supports all interested parties from the idea to the application and the ongoing project for all relevant proposals and projects in which the topic of security is the focus.
The Sino-German Electro-Mobility Innovation and Support Center (SGEC) is financed by the BMVI and organized by the National Organization for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technology (NOW). From a German point of view, the supported projects are intended to advance the market ramp-up of electric vehicles (battery and fuel cell) in China for German companies, building on China’s experience in the field of electromobility in research and development. The overall SGEC project consists of the four subject areas of battery electric mobility, hydrogen fuel cell mobility, security and the integration of renewable energies, with LBST being responsible for the subject area of security (battery and hydrogen).