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Hubert Landinger
Senior Project Manager | Consultant
Hubert Landinger has been with Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH (LBST) since 1999, where he takes care of the overarching topics of renewable energy production, energy storage and energy applications as Senior Project Manager and Consultant.
The subject-specific activities include lighthouse projects for hydrogen and fuel cell vehicles (e.g. HyLIFT-EUROPE), projects for large-scale energy storage, analyses of market development and potential for hydrogen and fuel cell products as well as support in the selection process of cooperation partners and the identification of market opportunities. Hydrogen infrastructure analyses, supply scenarios for dedicated applications, strategy development for specific regions, technology comparisons for drive trains and associated infrastructures (LH2, CcH2, CGH2, BEV, etc.) each including cost calculations (e.g. TCO) and environmental impacts analyses (e.g. LCA) round off the portfolio.
In addition, Hubert accompanies clients in the preparation and implementation of hydrogen projects, particularly with regard to the integration of specific end-use applications within the framework of sector coupling, and supports them from developing strategies for the long-term transformation process to developing specific concepts and planning the implementation of the applications selected.
Special emphasis is on consulting services in the field of mobile end-use applications with fuel cell drive trains (e.g. industrial trucks, heavy duty vehicles) as well as the initiation of German-Chinese cooperation projects on the subject of safety respectively regulations, codes and standards. Hubert, together with a colleague, is in charge of this topic within the framework of the Sino-German Electro-Mobility Innovation and Support Center (SGEC) of the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure.
Finally, Hubert Landinger acts as interface on operational level to the TÜV SÜD Group and to the European hydrogen activities within the framework of the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU), Hydrogen Europe, Clean Hydrogen for Europe (CHE) and the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance (ECH2A).
Hubert holds a degree in Supply Engineering of the Munich University of Applied Sciences.
Photo: Beatrice Vohler www.vohler.com