Port electricity commercial model (project pilot) - Final Report
DG ENERPublication date
September 2024On behalf of Trinomics and in collaboration with DNV, LBST contributed to a study for DG ENER (Directorate General for Energy of the European Commission) to identify economically viable energy business models for European ports, in line with the European Union’s policy frameworks and advancing the objectives of the European Green Deal and REPowerEU.
The focus of the study was to analyse viable clean energy business models based on electrification or other low carbon solutions.
The study looked at four areas where ports have significant potential for decarbonisation: Port operations themselves, maritime and land transport, the provision of clean energy to residents and neighbouring industries, and the goal of achieving a greener throughput of energy carriers to facilitate the energy transition of entire regions.
LBST contributed to policy implementation aspects related to the Transport Energy Network for Electricity (TEN-E) and the Offshore Renewable Energy Strategy (ORES), the latter including its update for 2023. In addition, LBST outlined the value chains and their key elements for hydrogen and derivatives, including the potential role ports could play in this, e.g. as a nexus for industrial developments. Patrick Schmidt, LBST consultant lead for this study: “Our excursus on hydrogen & derivatives’ value chains shows, how many technical options the use of hydrogen produced from renewable electricity offers including the many roles that ports could play in this, subject to space availability, infrastructure, and neighbouring industries.”
The study is available for download using this Link