
Evaluation of options for establishing an EU-wide green label for the use of renewable energies in Europe


Matthias Altmann


Europäische Kommission


Jan 2020 - 
Dec 2020

The aim of this study was the technical and economic analysis of options for establishing an EU-wide green label with the aim of promoting the use of renewable energies from new plants. This analysis is used by the European Commission to prepare the report required under Art. 19 (13) of the Renewable Energy Sources Directive (new version).

 The following subject areas were dealt with in the project:

  • List of existing green labels including the criteria for issuing and reviewing, governance structures and current use
  • Impact analysis of the existing labels with regard to improved customer information, market signals to investors in renewable plants and the functioning of the internal market
  • Detailed analysis of the appropriateness of the EU Ecolabel as an EU-wide Green Label
  • Development and suggestion of options for establishing an EU-wide green label including the associated criteria for acceptance and validation, issuing and reviewing processes, market acceptance and governance structures
  • Detailed impact analysis of the three most relevant options for an EU-wide green label and comparison with the business-as-usual scenario.

The project was carried out on behalf of the European Commission in cooperation with Trinomics and the Öko-Institut.