
Opportunities and Potentials of Hydrogen Energy Technology Considering the National Energy and Climate Plans
Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik GmbH (LBST) has carried out an extensive study for the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) in coordination with the European Commission (General Directorate Energy) on the opportunities and potentials of hydrogen technology in the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) submitted by the European member states. The analysis shows substantial potential for the coming decade through the spread of hydrogen technologies.
The study identifies opportunities for hydrogen technologies as a contribution to the effective and efficient fulfillment of the climate and energy goals of the EU and the member states. The approaches to meeting the 2030 goals are currently being developed and documented in the National Energy and Climate Plans (NECP), which determine the approach taken by the member states. It is important that hydrogen technologies are adequately taken into account by the member states in the NECPs in order to fully exploit their benefits, and that the opportunities of using hydrogen technologies for the energy transition are known. Therefore, the overarching objective of this study is to identify opportunities in the areas of job creation, growth, environmental compatibility / sustainability and energy supply security through the use of hydrogen technologies in the NECPs. In addition, the financial impact of these opportunities is analyzed and assessed.
For this purpose, the potential demand for renewable hydrogen in 2030 in each EU-27-member state and Great Britain for each sector and sub-sector was identified as part of a bottom-up analysis. In order to map a range of future developments, two scenarios with different ambitions were calculated. Based on this, the design of the H2 technologies was carried out and their influence on the energy system and the associated economic effects were determined.
The results of the study are presented and summarized on the project page in individual detailed reports for each member state and in a detailed report, including the methods, assumptions and a comparison of the EU countries: