ShipFuel study
Under which technical and economic conditions and in which market segments can electricity-based fuels be sensibly used in inland navigation?
This is the focus of the currenty study „Strombasierte Kraftstoffe für Brennstoffzellen in der Binnenschifffahrt“ which was commissioned by NOW GmbH and prepared by energy and environmental experts from Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik (LBST) together with DNV GL and Ingenieurbüro für Schiffstechnik.
The analyses include the entire value chain from the production of fuel, its transport, distribution and storage all the way to the bunkering process and on-board energy conversion. The technical and economic effects of various fuel and fuel cell technologies in inland navigation vessels were analysed on the basis of four reference vessels frequently used in inland navigation (cargo vessel, push boat, day excursion vessel and cabin vessel). With the use of renewable fuels in fuel cell propulsion systems, greenhouse gas emissions and local air pollutants as well as noise and vibrations can be avoided or significantly reduced. As a result, this propulsion technology is particularly interesting for ships in conurbations. Suitable regions for the market ramp-up and the development of necessary fuel infrastructures were briefly examined.
Further information can be found here.